How Old Was Joseph When He Married Mary? A Biblical and Historical Investigation
When we read the Christmas story in the Bible, we often focus on the miraculous conception of Jesus by the Holy Spirit and the humble birth of the Savior in a manger in Bethlehem.
However, we may overlook some intriguing details about the backgrounds of the protagonists of this narrative, namely, Joseph and Mary.
One of the questions that has puzzled scholars and readers alike is how old Joseph was when he married Mary, and what implications does this have for their relationship and role in God’s plan?
In this blog post, we’ll look at the evidence from different places and try to come up with a good answer.

Joseph and Mary’s Relationship
According to the Gospel of Matthew (1:18–25), Joseph was a righteous man, a descendant of King David, and a carpenter by profession. He was engaged to Mary, a young woman from Nazareth, when he learned that she was pregnant.
At first, he planned to end the engagement quietly so that she wouldn’t be embarrassed or punished in public or by the law. However, an angel appeared to him in a dream and explained that the child was conceived by the Holy Spirit and would save His people from their sins.
Joseph obeyed the angel’s command and took Mary as his wife, but he did not have sexual relations with her until after Jesus was born.
The Gospel of Luke (1:26–56) adds some more details about Mary’s background and the circumstances of her conception. Mary was a virgin who was visited by the angel Gabriel and informed that she would conceive a son by the Holy Spirit and name Him Jesus.
She accepted this message in faith and rejoiced in the Lord’s favor. Later, she visited her relative Elizabeth, who was also pregnant with John the Baptist, and praised God for His mercy and faithfulness.
The Bible does not provide explicit information about the age of Joseph and Mary when they got married or conceived Jesus. However, some sources outside the Bible have claimed that Joseph was much older than Mary, and this has raised some debates among scholars and theologians. Let us examine these sources and arguments.
Christian Traditions
In some Christian traditions, especially in the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church, it is thought that Joseph was an old man when he married Mary.
The main reasons for this view have more to do with religion and devotion than with history or facts. Some of the arguments used to support this view include:
- The apocryphal Gospel of James also called the Protoevangelium of James, is a non-canonical text from the second century AD. It says that Joseph was a widower with children from a previous marriage who was chosen by chance to be Mary’s guardian when she was twelve years old. The text implies that Joseph was an elderly man at the time and that he never had sexual relations with Mary, who remained chaste throughout her entire life. However, there is no solid historical or biblical evidence to back up this story, so it is now considered a later legend or myth.
- The writings of some early Church fathers, such as Epiphanius of Salamis and Jerome, suggested that Joseph was a widower or an older man when he married Mary. But they don’t all agree on the same things, and they may have been influenced more by their own cultural and religious beliefs than by facts.
- Joseph is often pictured in art and liturgy as an old or wise man with a long beard and a staff. This has influenced how many people think of him and how religious they are. However, these images are based on artistic conventions and not historical accuracy.
Overall, there isn’t enough or strong evidence to support Christian beliefs that Joseph was an old man when he married Mary. They are based on a combination of apocryphal texts, hearsay, and artistic conventions rather than on reliable historical or biblical sources.
So, we need to look at other things that can help us get a better idea of Joseph’s age range.
Historical Factors
To figure out how old Joseph might have been when he married Mary, we have to look at a number of historical and cultural factors that may have affected Jewish marriage customs and expectations in the first century AD.
First, we need to look at the average life expectancy of men in that era. According to some estimates, the life expectancy of men in ancient Judea was around 40–45 years, although this varied depending on various factors such as social status, occupation, health, and nutrition.
If we assume that Joseph was a typical Jewish man of his time, he may have lived between 35 and 50 years, give or take a few years.
Second, we need to consider the common age range for marriage in that society. Jewish tradition encouraged early marriage for both men and women, especially in rural areas where family values and continuity were highly valued.
The legal age of marriage for a Jewish male was 13 years and one day, although most men waited until their late teens or early twenties to get married. Women usually get married at a younger age, around 12–14 years, but this varies depending on their family background and social status. Some women may have married at a later age if they were widows or divorced.
Third, we need to take into account the role of male fertility in the marriage expectations of that time. In Jewish culture, having children was an important part of getting married, especially for men, who were expected to keep the family line going and have children.
So, it was better for men to get married when they were younger when their reproductive systems were more active and they were more likely to have children. Men can be fertile at different ages, but in general, they are most fertile in their late teens and early twenties, and their fertility goes down gradually after age 35.
Fourth, we need to examine any biblical clues or hints that may shed light on Joseph’s age or marital status. The Gospel of Matthew mentions that Joseph was a carpenter and a descendant of King David, which implies that he was a working-class man with a respectable lineage.
But the Bible doesn’t say anything about Joseph’s previous marriages or children. It also doesn’t say how old he was or what he looked like.
Based on these historical and cultural factors, we can make some plausible assumptions about Joseph’s age range when he married Mary.
If we assume that Joseph was a typical Jewish man of his time, he may have married in his late teens or early twenties, and Mary may have been around 12–14 years old, although this is only a rough estimate.
If we assume that Joseph was an older man, he may have married in his thirties or forties, but this would have been less common and less desirable for a man who wanted to have children.
Biblical Evidence
Even though the Bible doesn’t say for sure how old Joseph was when he married Mary, we can figure out some things from how the story of their engagement and wedding is told in the Gospel of Matthew.
First, we know that Joseph was engaged to Mary before he learned of her pregnancy. In Jewish culture, engagement, also called “betrothal,” was a legally binding and socially important event that usually lasted about a year before the wedding. During this time, the couple was thought to be spiritually married, even though they did not live together or have sexual relations.

If Joseph was a young man when he got engaged to Mary, he may have been eager to start his married life and raise a family, which would have been in line with the cultural expectations of his time.
Second, we know that when Joseph found out Mary was pregnant, he planned to divorce her quietly because he thought she had done something wrong. This shows that Joseph was a good man who cared about Mary and didn’t want her to be punished or shamed in public.
However, an angel told him in a dream that the child was born of the Holy Spirit and that he should take Mary as his wife and give the child the name Jesus. Joseph obeyed the angel’s command and took Mary as his wife, but he did not have sexual relations with her until after Jesus was born.
The narrative of Joseph and Mary’s betrothal and marriage does not provide any specific information about their ages, but it does suggest that Joseph was a man of strong faith and character who was willing to trust God’s plan and follow His guidance. It also shows that Joseph and Mary had a loving, respectful relationship based on trust and doing what God told them to do.
Age Range Estimation
Based on what we know about the history and the Bible, we can make a good guess about how old Joseph was when he married Mary. While some Christian traditions and apocryphal texts may claim that Joseph was an elderly man, there is no credible evidence to support this view.
On the other hand, most historical and cultural facts point to Joseph being younger, and the Bible’s story of how they got engaged and married fits with this idea.
Therefore, we can reasonably assume that Joseph was between 18 and 30 years old when he got engaged to Mary and between 20 and 35 years old when he married her.
Mary, in turn, was probably between 12 and 16 years old when she got engaged to Joseph and between 14 and 18 years old when she married him.
Of course, these age ranges are not set in stone, and there may be some variation depending on different factors and assumptions. But they make more sense and fit the evidence better than other possibilities, like that Joseph was an old widower or a much younger man.
Implications and Applications
How old Joseph was when he married Mary gives us clues about his role in God’s plan, his relationship with Mary and Jesus, and his character and faith.
First, it suggests that Joseph was a young and active man who was ready to start a family and fulfill his social and religious duties as a Jewish husband and father. This makes sense because he was a carpenter, a job that required physical strength and skill, and because he was a descendant of King David, which gave him a sense of national and spiritual pride.
Second, it suggests that Joseph was a man of integrity and compassion who was willing to put aside his personal doubts and fears to follow God’s will. He could have easily divorced Mary and kept his distance from her scandalous pregnancy, but he chose to trust in God’s plan and keep Mary safe.
Third, it shows that Joseph was a big part of Jesus’s upbringing and education, both as a father figure and as a good Jew who taught his son about the Bible and Jewish customs.
Although the Bible does not provide many details about Joseph’s relationship with Jesus, we can assume that he was a loving and supportive parent who helped Jesus grow into a wise and compassionate man.
Fourth, it suggests that Joseph is a model of faith and obedience for Christians today, who are called to trust in God’s plan and follow His guidance, even when it goes against our human expectations and desires.
Joseph’s willingness to accept the mystery of the Incarnation and raise the Son of God as his own son should make us more humble, loving, and faithful.
Finally, the estimated age range of Joseph when he married Mary should also remind us of the importance of respecting the dignity and rights of women and children, especially in matters of marriage and sexuality.
While the cultural norms and expectations of Joseph’s time may have differed from ours, we can still learn from his example of compassion, justice, and fidelity to God’s law.
In conclusion, the question of how old Joseph was when he married Mary is an intriguing and complex one that requires us to consider a range of historical, cultural, and biblical factors. While some traditions and texts may claim that Joseph was an elderly man, the best available evidence suggests that he was a younger man who was ready to start a family and fulfill his role as a husband and father.
The estimated age range of Joseph when he married Mary also has several implications and applications for our understanding of his role in God’s plan, his relationship with Mary and Jesus, and his character and faith.
Christians look to Joseph as an example of faith and obedience, and his life should encourage us to trust in God’s plan and follow His guidance, even when it goes against what we want and what we think should happen.
In the end, Joseph’s age when he married Mary is just one part of their amazing story of faith, love, and sacrifice, which still moves and inspires us today. May we learn from their example and seek to follow God’s will in our own lives, as Joseph did with courage, humility, and devotion.

Sangtea Hmar is a passionate leader of the Youth Christian Fellowship at the Electric Vengthlang Presbyterian Church in Aizawl, Mizoram, India. He is the owner of and is committed to spreading the word of God. He loves to mentor youth and help them grow in their faith.