What Are The Famous Traditional Easter Dinner

Easter is a time for celebrating the resurrection of Christ and coming together with family and friends for a delicious traditional meal.

One of the most iconic parts of an Easter dinner is the main course, which often includes roasted lamb, vegetables, potatoes, and other savory dishes.

In this article, we’ll explore what makes up a classic Easter dinner—including recipes and ideas to help you create your own festive feast.

So grab a plate and join us as we take a look at all that makes up a traditional Easter dinner.

What Are The Famous Traditional Easter Dinner

Roasted Lamb

The aroma of roasted lamb is a timeless tradition on Easter Sunday.

On the grill, succulent cuts of lamb are seasoned with herb marinades and seared to perfection with careful grilling techniques.

The succulent meat is cooked perfectly and glistens with flavor, making it the perfect centrepiece for your Easter dinner table.

Serve this tender roast with vegetables, potatoes, and salads for a complete Thanksgiving feast that will have everyone coming back for seconds.

Enjoy the flavor of traditional roasted lamb as part of a delicious Easter dinner that’s sure to please even the pickiest eaters.

Potatoes And Vegetables

After the roasted lamb, potatoes and vegetables are perfect for a traditional Easter dinner. Salted potatoes are a classic side dish that is simple to make yet full of flavor. They are best served with some freshly grated Parmesan cheese and a sprinkle of garlic powder for added depth.

Meanwhile, stuffed vegetables provide an ideal way to add extra color and texture to the plate. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Potatoes (russet or Yukon Gold work best)
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • Parmesan cheese
  • Garlic powder
  • Assorted vegetables (bell peppers, zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes)
  • Stuffing (bread crumbs, herbs, etc.)

For salted potatoes, preheat your oven to 375°F and toss potato wedges in olive oil, salt and pepper. Spread them out on a baking sheet and bake for 30 minutes or until golden brown. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and garlic powder during the last few minutes of cooking for a deliciously garlicky aroma.

To prepare stuffed vegetables, cut all the vegetables in half lengthwise. Scoop out the middles of each vegetable half and fill with your favorite stuffing mixture. Bake in preheated oven at 375°F for about 40 minutes or until tender.

Enjoy these flavorful sides on their own or paired with roasted lamb for an unforgettable Easter feast!

Bread And Rolls

When it comes to Easter dinner, bread and rolls are a staple. Whether you’re looking for traditional recipes or gluten-free options, there’s something for everyone.

Take a look at the table below for a few ideas on what to serve:

Traditional RecipesGluten Free Options
French BreadCornbread
Monkey BreadRice Bread
Parkerhouse RollsBuckwheat Bread
ChallahQuinoa Flour Buns

Traditional recipes such as French bread, monkey bread and Parkerhouse rolls will bring in the flavor of old-fashioned baking. On the other hand, if you’re looking for something that’s gluten free, consider making cornbread, rice bread, buckwheat bread or quinoa flour buns. All are sure to be delicious additions to your Easter dinner table.
No matter what type of bread or roll you decide to make this Easter season, be sure to enjoy it with family and friends.

Desserts And Sweets

When it comes to desserts and sweets, traditional Easter dinner is full of delicious treats.

Take fruit pies, for example: a classic dessert that can be found on many Easter tables. Whether baked with a crumbly oat crust or a buttery shortbread crust, these pies are sure to please the whole family.

Hot cross buns are also a staple at the table—the sweet and spiced flavor of the buns combined with the fruity filling makes them irresistible! Even those who don’t usually like hot cross buns will be tempted by this version that’s especially designed for Easter. To top it off, these treats can be served with ice cream, whipped cream, or even just a sprinkle of powdered sugar.

The combination of flavors will have everyone asking for seconds! You’ll be glad you chose to serve up these classic desserts at the end of your meal.

Drinks And Cocktails

Now that dessert and sweets have been enjoyed; it’s time to move onto the drinks and cocktails. Whether you are looking for a traditional or contemporary option, there is something for everyone on Easter. Let’s explore some of the popular choices.

  • Mimosas – A classic brunch favorite, mimosas feature a mix of orange juice and champagne. They can be made with any sparkling wine, so feel free to experiment and find your perfect blend!
  • Sangria – Sangria is an ideal choice for larger gatherings since it can easily be made in batches in advance. Choose from a variety of recipes featuring various fruits, sweet wines, and even liqueurs.
  • Eggnog – Nothing says Easter like eggnog! This creamy drink is made with eggs, milk, sugar, nutmeg, and brandy or rum. Make sure to make enough for second helpings!
  • Hot Cross Buns – Hot cross buns are a popular Easter treat commonly served with coffee or tea as an accompaniment to dinner. Enjoy the hint of cinnamon in these lightly sweet buns while sipping your favorite hot beverage.
  • Sparkling Punch – For larger parties where you need to serve a large amount of people quickly — try making a sparkling punch! Use whatever fruit juices you have on hand (try pineapple or cranberry juice) and add sparkling water or seltzer for fizziness.

No matter which option you choose when celebrating Easter dinner this year, make sure to enjoy it responsibly with friends and family alike!


Easter dinner is a special celebration for many, and the traditional meal has been enjoyed for centuries.

The roasted lamb, potatoes and vegetables, and breads and rolls bring together all the flavors of spring in one delicious main course.

Desserts like Easter Cake or simnel cake are the perfect way to end the meal with a sweet treat.

To wash it all down, drinks like eggnog or hot cross buns can be served.

I love hosting Easter dinner at my house every year; there’s nothing quite like seeing everyone gathered around the table enjoying each other’s company while they savor all of these delectable dishes.

With so much flavor and tradition on one plate, it’s no wonder that traditional Easter dinner is an annual favorite!

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