Why Did Jesus Said It Is Finished On The Cross
As Christians, we often wonder why Jesus said “It is finished” when He was on the cross. What did this phrase mean? How does it apply to us today? Through Jesus’s words, we can learn about His incredible love and grace for mankind, and how it applies to our lives today.
Jesus said “It is finished” just before breathing His last breath. This phrase holds an incredible amount of power and meaning. In just three words, Jesus said that His work on earth was done and that He had done what He was sent to do. What had been accomplished? The answer lies in His redeeming sacrifice.
Through Jesus’s death on the cross, He put an end to the separation between God and man, which was caused by sin. Jesus’ death and resurrection gave us a way to get back to God so that we can be at peace with Him and live forever.
By saying “It is finished,” Jesus reminded us of the great lengths He went to for our redemption, and showed us that no matter what challenges we face in life, our salvation remains secure through Him.

Historical Context
When Jesus said “It is finished” on the cross, he wasn’t just talking about his earthly life coming to an end. He was declaring something much bigger-that he had accomplished the mission that God had set out for him.
Jesus came to earth to save us from our sins and to bring us hope and salvation. His death on the cross was God’s perfect plan of redemption for us and was the ultimate sacrifice that would enable us to be forgiven and restored in a relationship with Him.
The words “It is finished” were not only a declaration of Jesus’ victory over sin but also a reminder that we are never alone-God has always been with us and will always be with us.
Through his death on the cross, Jesus showed us the true power of love and forgiveness and opened up a new way for believers to experience an intimate relationship with their Creator.
Significance To Judaism
The significance of Jesus’ words “it is finished” is deeply embedded in Judaism. His death on the cross was the final step in God’s plan to bring salvation and redemption to mankind. This moment of ultimate sacrifice symbolizes the hope and love that come with a relationship with God-that through Him, we can be forgiven and made new.
For Jews, this moment is very important because it shows that centuries of prophecies and promises have come true. As Jesus said, “It is finished,” He was declaring that all the prophecies concerning Him had been fulfilled, even those that may have seemed impossible at one time.
These words are a reminder that no matter how difficult our struggles may be, God is always faithful and will never leave us alone.
This moment also serves as an example for us to follow the power of faithfulness, dedication, and love for others. Jesus showed us what true grace looks like in action when he died on the cross for our sins. His unwavering devotion to fulfilling God’s will reminds us that we can trust God even when life gets tough and we don’t understand why things happen as they do.
It encourages us to keep believing in a better future despite any trials or hardships we may face along the way. That’s why Jesus’ words “It is finished” will always have deep personal meaning for countless believers around the world.
Meaning In The Christian Faith
Have you ever wondered why Jesus announced “it is finished” on the cross? The meaning of this phrase, which has come to be known by many as the ultimate expression of victory, holds great importance in the Christian faith.
To understand the significance of these words, it is important to remember that Jesus knew His mission was complete. He had sacrificed Himself as a perfect lamb and His death brought salvation to all mankind. By saying “it is finished”, Jesus proclaimed that redemption was now available to everyone who placed their faith in Him and accepted His gift of eternal life.
The powerful statement also speaks to our own lives today. As believers, we can have confidence knowing that God’s promises are always true and He will never abandon us. When we face difficult times and feel overwhelmed by life’s challenges, these words remind us that God has already provided for us and will never leave us stranded. We can trust Him no matter what because He truly has finished it all for us—His grace is sufficient for every situation we encounter.
Jesus’ declaration reminds us that faith brings hope even in the darkest moments. Through Him, we have access to strength, courage, and peace beyond our understanding—all because He said those two powerful words: “It is finished!”
Interpretations Of Jesus’ Words
Jesus’ words, “it is finished” have been interpreted in many ways. From a spiritual perspective, it can be seen as a victory cry after completing His mission on earth. It speaks of Jesus’ commitment to finish the work He was sent to do and the assurance that His sacrifice had accomplished its purpose. We can take comfort in knowing that our ultimate hope lies in His finished work on the cross.
From a practical standpoint, Jesus’ words remind us that we don’t have to worry about how to complete our own tasks or figure out what to do next. Instead, we can trust God and rest in His provision for our lives. When we give Him all of our worries and problems, He will give us the strength to get through anything and give us everything we need to be successful.
The beauty of these words is that they are not just a proclamation of Jesus’ triumph but an invitation for us to trust Him and put our faith in Him. Knowing this gives us great confidence as believers—we can face whatever comes our way with peace and joy because Jesus has already secured our victory!
Impact On Society
Jesus’ triumphant words, “It is finished” have had a far-reaching impact on society. According to a recent survey, over 70% of people say they draw strength from Jesus’ declaration when facing difficult times in their lives. This speaks to the power of His words and how they continue to bring hope and encouragement to countless individuals around the world.
We can be inspired by this reality—no matter what we are going through, God has already given us victory! When we place our trust in Him and remember His promise of provision, we can move forward with faith and courage. Even when our own efforts fail, we can rely on His grace and strength to see us through.
This is why it’s so important for us to remain focused on Jesus’ finished work. It’s a reminder that no matter what challenges come our way, He is with us every step of the way and will never leave us alone. We can rest assured that He has already provided for our success and given us everything we need to overcome any obstacle or hardship that comes our way!
The beauty of Jesus’ words, “It is finished,” still echoes today. I believe that it serves as a reminder to all of us that we can find peace and comfort in Him. Even though the world around us may be chaotic, with Jesus by our side, we can rest assured knowing that He has taken care of everything.
When we put our faith in Him, He promises to never leave us. His ultimate act of sacrifice on the cross gives us hope and assurance that He will always be there for us, no matter what. No matter how difficult life seems, we can trust in His promise and know that He will never give up on us.
Jesus’ words were not only significant to those who heard them 2,000 years ago; they are still relevant today. When Jesus said “It is finished” and gave up His spirit, He showed us how much God loves each one of us unconditionally.
We can take solace in this knowledge and learn from it to love others just as deeply. With the power of His words, Jesus changed the world forever—and his legacy lives on through eternity!

Sangtea Hmar is a passionate leader of the Youth Christian Fellowship at the Electric Vengthlang Presbyterian Church in Aizawl, Mizoram, India. He is the owner of Christiantone.com and is committed to spreading the word of God. He loves to mentor youth and help them grow in their faith.