Who Wrote Genesis? Discovering the Enigmatic Author Behind the Book

Who Wrote Genesis? Discovering the Enigmatic Author Behind the Book

Who wrote the Book of Genesis? It’s a question that has puzzled scholars and theologians for centuries. As one of the foundational texts in Judaism and Christianity, Genesis holds significant weight in shaping our understanding of these faiths’ beliefs and worldviews. And yet, despite its importance, there remains considerable debate surrounding its authorship.Some might argue…

How Old Was Joseph When He Married Mary? A Biblical and Historical Investigation

How Old Was Joseph When He Married Mary? A Biblical and Historical Investigation

When we read the Christmas story in the Bible, we often focus on the miraculous conception of Jesus by the Holy Spirit and the humble birth of the Savior in a manger in Bethlehem. However, we may overlook some intriguing details about the backgrounds of the protagonists of this narrative, namely, Joseph and Mary. One…