Why Did Jesus Only Mention 6 Commandments
Have you ever stopped to consider why Jesus only mentioned six commandments? Is there more to the story than what is commonly known? When the Bible speaks of Jesus’s teachings, it’s usually in reference to the Ten Commandments, but have you ever wondered why Jesus himself only referred to six? It’s an interesting question that deserves some further exploration.
In this article, we’ll try to figure out why Jesus only talked about six of the Ten Commandments. We will examine biblical passages and learn what they tell us about the importance of these specific laws.
In doing so, we can gain a deeper understanding of God’s purpose for mankind and how we are called to live our lives with respect for His word.
Through this journey, we may discover that even though Jesus highlighted only six commandments, He was teaching something much greater. Perhaps each of these individual laws is a signpost along a greater path toward holiness and righteousness that He wishes for all who follow Him. Join us as we explore this topic and gain new insight into God’s plan for our lives!

Overview Of The Ten Commandments
It’s no surprise that the Ten Commandments are a cornerstone of faith for many religious believers around the world. In fact, nearly 80% of Americans believe that the Ten Commandments provide an important moral foundation for our society!
But did you know that Jesus only mentions six of these commandments in the Gospels? It’s true—Jesus focused on just a few of the commandments in his teachings. But why? To understand this, we need to look at what Jesus was trying to accomplish with his ministry.
By highlighting select commandments, Jesus was able to focus on teaching people how to truly love God and their neighbors. He wanted to emphasize that humans needed to be kind and loving towards one another rather than simply following a list of rules and regulations.
This is why he chose certain commandments from the Ten: they spoke to his messages about love, mercy, justice, and compassion.
Historical Context Of Jesus’ Teachings
We can gain greater insight into Jesus’ teachings by looking at the historical context of these commandments. During the time of Jesus’ ministry, there was a great deal of religious and political unrest in Israel. The Romans had occupied Israel for hundreds of years and the Jewish people were desperate for a leader who could deliver them from their oppressors.
Jesus recognized this need and sought to provide guidance that would help people find true freedom—freedom from oppression, injustice, and fear. He knew that in order to break free from these negative forces, it was essential to focus on love and mercy toward others.
That’s why he chose only six commandments from the Ten—these spoke directly to his message about love and justice.
By emphasizing these select commandments, Jesus showed us that true freedom comes when we strive for peace with our neighbors, practice kindness and compassion, and show mercy towards those in need. This is an important lesson that still resonates today; if we want to build a better world, we must start by showing love and respect for one another.
Significance Of The Six Commandments
The six commandments that Jesus selected to emphasize in his teachings are highly significant. Not only do they represent a powerful call to action for us to show love and mercy towards one another, but many believe that these commandments mark the very foundation of Christianity itself.
This theory has been debated for centuries, but there’s no denying that Jesus’ choice of only six commands speaks volumes about His intentions.
These commandments also provide a valuable reminder for us today; we need to be mindful of how our actions affect those around us. Whether it’s responding with kindness when someone hurts us or forgiving those who have wronged us, we can gain much by remembering and following the example set forth by Jesus in His teachings.
We must strive to be more loving and understanding toward each other if we ever hope to create a world of peace and justice.
In this way, Jesus’ selection of these six commandments is even more relevant now than it was two thousand years ago. It serves as a gentle reminder that our words and actions have the power to shape our society and bring hope into people’s lives. When we reach out with love, mercy, and forgiveness, we can make a difference in this world—just as Jesus did so long ago.
Theology And Interpretation Of Jesus’ Words
Jesus’ choice of just six commandments shows how important it is to follow His teachings. His words help us understand what our lives are really about and why we are here. They also invite us to grow closer to God.
But beyond this, Jesus’s words also offer the opportunity for us to interpret them in different ways. We can get a better idea of what He was trying to say when He gave these commands if we think about them and meditate on them.
For example, some theologians view the commandments as separate pieces that are connected by a single thread: love. In this interpretation, each commandment serves as a reminder to focus on love in all aspects of life.
Others believe that each commandment is meant to be taken literally, and should be followed as such. Whichever interpretation you choose to apply to Jesus’ words, it’s clear that they carry an important message: treat others with kindness and compassion.
No matter how you interpret His teachings, there is no denying that Jesus’ selection of these six commandments has stood the test of time and still resonates deeply with us today. T
hey provide us with valuable lessons about how we should live our lives, reminding us that we must always strive for justice, mercy, and love if we want to create a better world for ourselves and those around us.
Implications For Modern Believers
God’s love and mercy are timeless, and His commandments remain just as important today as they were when Jesus spoke them. As modern believers, we must strive to live our lives according to these teachings and find ways to incorporate them into our daily lives. By doing so, we can show God that we are faithful followers and demonstrate our commitment to Him.
Living according to these commandments also serves another purpose: it helps us spread the message of God’s love and mercy in a world that often seems dark and despairing.
When we choose to treat others with kindness, compassion, justice, and mercy, we become living examples of God’s grace. We can work together to bring light into a world filled with darkness by sharing the gospel through our actions as well as our words.
When faced with difficult decisions or challenging situations, it is important to remember Jesus’s words and use them as a guide for how we should act. In this way, we can ensure that our choices reflect the values of God’s kingdom. Through faithfulness and obedience to the Lord, may all of us be blessed with abundant peace, joy, and hope!
Jesus chose to focus on six commandments to show how important it is to live a life that is both devoted to God and devoted to other people. They are timeless, and they are universal—no matter where you’re from or what your beliefs may be, we can all find value in these words.
When we focus on living according to these commandments, it brings us closer to God, and it brings us closer to each other. We can use these principles as a guide for our lives, seeking not only what is good for ourselves but also what is good for our neighbors. In doing so, we honor the teachings of Jesus and create a world that is filled with peace and joy.
We have been given an amazing gift with these six commandments—a gift that encourages us to love God and love each other. Let us strive every day to live our lives in accordance with these words so that together we can create a world of grace and beauty that reflects the light of Christ in each one of us.

Sangtea Hmar is a passionate leader of the Youth Christian Fellowship at the Electric Vengthlang Presbyterian Church in Aizawl, Mizoram, India. He is the owner of Christiantone.com and is committed to spreading the word of God. He loves to mentor youth and help them grow in their faith.